Dear 14 year old Tati,
Don’t be in a rush to grow up...The mirror lies...Always know your worth...Don’t ever apologize for being ambitious...You're so much more than the series of numbers on a scale...Your heart will get broken, but it will heal too...Don't just love your mom, befriend her...You'll always be well dressed if you're wearing a smile...Being smart, kind and honest trumps "pretty" any day...You're appreciated... You'll never be younger than you are today... Time waits for no one...Enjoy every moment... Love yourself... Stop wishing away time to hurry things up...There will be a time, sooner than you know, when you'll want to set the clock back...Things always have a way of working out... Dance!..Treat your body well...Say I love you whenever you can...You can’t put a price on happiness...Follow your heart...Be kind to your mind...Buckle up and enjoy the ride...
These are just a few things that I wish I could tell my teenage self. As the saying goes, “if I knew then what I know now”... I do often miss that teenage girl that I still see traces of in the mirror- She still lives inside of me, but the truth is there’s magic in growing up. Being an adult has its challenges but if you find a moment in your day to #BREATHE and look back at where you came from and how far you’ve come, you’ll find gratitude in the journey. Be proud of yourself!
What are some things you wish you could tell your younger self?
#FlashbackFriday #BREATHE #BREATHExPeakState
Note to Self