Kalo Mina!

Happy March everyone! Of all the things that I love about Greece and the greek culture, their positive greetings rank high on my list....No matter what time of the day, when you cross paths with someone you are always greeted by well wishes for your morning, afternoon or night. Monday’s are typically celebrated with warm wishes for a good week, kali ebdomada, setting the tone for your week. Additionally, every first of the month is recognized with kalo mina, which means “have a great month”. It’s more than just a saying, it’s an attitude, a celebration of a fresh start, a promise of something good to come. As we all know, the Greeks are wise beyond their own years. It isn’t a coincidence that they positively encourage you every week and month to reset. The #psychologicalscience journal reported that people are more likely to meet their objectives if they are planned to start on a Monday or the first day of the month. So now is the perfect time to start! Start that project, start that job, start that hobby, start that diet. Whatever it is that you need to start- just start it!